Photo of Jorge Elía Argentina
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I was born in Buenos Aires in the twentieth century

Solidifying my work

The compositional structure of my work is characterized by a dialogue of opposites: the full and empty, the atmospheric and planimetric, the succession of hard edges and soft, warm and cold, the proportion and meaning, and idea generation words about the work. This is because my work stem from a...

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Photo of Jorge Elía Argentina

I was born in Buenos Aires in the twentieth century

Solidifying my work

The compositional structure of my work is characterized by a dialogue of opposites: the full and empty, the atmospheric and planimetric, the succession of hard edges and soft, warm and cold, the proportion and meaning, and idea generation words about the work. This is because my work stem from a lateral thinking to painting, conceived from digital design.

Visualize mental pictures or take notes of some of my dreams, drawing in my notebook with pencil, ballpoint pen or play with the geometry in CAD (computer assisted drafting) and the mysterious golden number PHI. At a later stage need further clarification, strip drawings of the accessories and make an image that is characterized for transparency with the essentials. Sketching on the computer allows me to hold a mental process that is governed by the proportions of the golden section, and all the way before the act of painting is basically sound, but once immersed in painting, it becomes intuitive. The form of my work is revealed: between digital beginning of the work and final plastic intervention, complementarity is installed. A neutral pictorial application frames the opening in the plane, while the wall on which hangs the work becomes important. This pictorial background seeps through the holes completing the sense of image and allowing the artist's work to unite the aesthetic sense of the household.

The materials used for support are different, according to the need for availability or composition may be a polystyrene base, fabrics and / or layers of white glue to achieve blended textures, color is mainly acrylic making all the durability of the work.

George Elia

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